5 TIPS for Coffee Stains

Do you love coffee? Are you someone who wakes every morning and needs their cup of joe to start their day? The good news is that coffee can be a convenient and delicious boost of energy. The bad news is that it's very acidic and can stain your teeth. 

Here are 5 TIPS to help you prevent or lessen the stains:

1️⃣ Cut Back & Drink Less

Try and opt for a single cup of coffee when you start the day and then switch to a green tea afterwards. Green tea is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that can improve brain function, fat loss, and may even lower your risk of some types of cancer. 

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2️⃣ Avoid Creamer & Sugar

Creamer and sugar only speed up the growth and appearance of plaque and bacteria. Despite seeming harmless and a tasty addition, these granular substances only make teeth stains more defined and noticeable, so cutting these out can definitely help reduce discoloration. 

3️⃣ Drink Coffee in One Sitting Instead of Small Sips

Choosing to drink coffee in one sitting rather than small sips throughout the day will help to prevent bacteria and plaque buildup. If you prefer iced coffee over hot, then drinking through a straw will help to reduce stains.

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4️⃣ Eat Raw Fruits & Vegetables (like Strawberry and Lemon) that Contain Natural Fibers That Clean Teeth by Breaking Down Bacteria

Raw fruits and vegetables such as strawberries and lemons have natural fibers that clean teeth by breaking down plaque and the buildup of bacteria. Eating these foods may help remedy stains (and be an awesome and healthy alternative to eating snacks like cookies and chips!).

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5️⃣ Brush Your Teeth 30 Minutes After Rinsing With Water First

Make sure that after you're done drinking coffee to rinse your mouth with water, wait 30 minutes, and then brush your teeth. Don't immediately brush your teeth after finishing that cup of coffee because coffee is highly acidic. Brushing immediately after drinking or eating anything acidic can weaken tooth enamel and cause staining. 


A good rule of thumb is that if it can stain your clothes, it can stain your teeth. So make sure you take extra good care of your teeth by rinsing and brushing 30 minutes after consuming acidic goods. 

Image result for water and toothbrush


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