The Mouth Guard YOU Need to Stay Safe This Season

Football season has arrived and it's time to bundle up and watch all the games! It's easy to forget that amidst the fun and cheers, the star players need to be protected as well. No doubt are there sports related injuries that can affect a player's physical and mental health. So in preparation, we've gathered some prevention tips for any of your friends or family that may be out on the field this year!

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What can I do to prevent injuries involving my mouth?

Players should be wearing mouth guards.

Also known as mouth protectors, mouth guards are used to help cushion a blow to the face and are especially helpful when playing on-contact sports such as football, boxing, and hockey. They typically cover the upper teeth and help to also protect your tongue, lips, and teeth from immediate contact.

What type of mouth guard should I get?

This depends solely on what you feel comfortable with, but we recommend getting one custom-made from your dentist as they can fit the mouth guard to the dimensions and space of your mouth. This may be a bit pricier because it's custom-built, but it's the most reliable. Those who have braces or have fixed bridges and play sports may want to consider getting a custom-made mouth guard because a blow to the face may damage those brackets or previous work done. 

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If getting one custom-made does not fit your needs, then we recommend a boil and bite mouth protector. These can be found at many sporting goods stores and even your local drugstore. They are softened in water, and then inserted in your mouth to form a mold that fits the dimensions of your mouth.

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The last type of mouth guard that you could acquire would be your typical stock mouth guard. These mouth guards are the most inexpensive of its kind and come pre-formed. However, this makes them vary in size and may not fit very well. They are often bulky and can be hard to wear as well as make breathing difficult.  

Image result for stock mouth guard
Remember to stay safe this year by wearing your protective head and mouth gear! We hope everyone has a great and safe sports season to end this year and start the new one. 



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